Best Way to make pink lips naturally
When was the last time
you exfoliated your lips? Once a month, maybe? That's not enough since, much
like the skin on our face and body, our lips require exfoliation and cleaning
to remove dry, rough skin that causes them to seem dark and dreary. In addition
to regular exfoliation, this piece has 16 DIY cures for naturally pink lips.
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pink lips naturally |
Best tips to make pink lips naturally:
1. Apply beetroot
juice on your lips at night before sleeping, and you will see a reddish crimson
stain next day. This should keep you going for a few days.
2. Crush rose petals
and combine with fresh cream. Your lips will be naturally soft and rosy as a
result of this. You may also use a cotton ball dipped in rosewater and smoothed
over your lips.
3. Apply a
menthol-based lip balm to your lips and wait 5 minutes before removing it.
Exfoliate your lips with a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. Lips are quite
delicate, so don't graze them too much.
4. Before going to
bed, break open a vitamin E capsule and rub it on your lips. You may
manufacture your own lip balm by mixing vitamin E oil with Vaseline.
5. Consult your doctor
about iron supplements if your lips are pale and colorless. The color of your
lips may fade if you are even slightly anemic. Taking iron supplements will
provide a natural glow to your face and lips will seem pinker.
6. Use fresh mint or
coriander leaf juice on your lips every day to keep them pink and silky.
7. Before going to
bed, put a mixture of lemon juice and glycerin on your lips. The lemon's
lightening qualities are activated by leaving it on overnight, while the
glycerin works as a great moisturizer. This is very beneficial for people who
want to get rid of tan on their lips.
8. Grate raw coconut
and squeeze some milk from it. Apply to your lips.
9. To balance out
uneven lip coloration, eat a lot of fresh cucumber and carrots.
10. Combine 1 tsp
chilled milk cream with a sprinkle of turmeric. Apply this paste to your lips
once a day for 5 minutes. As a consequence, your lips will be soft and rosy.
11. Apply a mixture of
lemon juice and honey to your skin before going to bed. Lemon removes tan,
while honey hydrates and nourishes the lips, restoring their natural pinkness.
12. Every day, apply 1
tsp almond oil with 1 tsp lemon juice on your lips. Allow to dry before rinsing
with cold water.
13. Lightly dust a
lemon slice with powdered sugar and gently wipe it over your lips. This is an
excellent technique to exfoliate and bleach lips naturally, giving them a
smoother, redder appearance.
14. Apply a small
amount of clarified butter (desi ghee) on your lips to naturally redden them
and moisturize them.
15. Soak four almonds
overnight in 1/2 cup milk and crush the next morning to a fine smooth pulp.
Apply the paste to your lips every day for a few months to help them regain
their original pink color.
16. Make a paste with
gramme flour, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp yoghurt, and a few drops of lemon juice and
apply it to your lips on a regular basis to make them pinker.